Team Solutions
Team Solutions

BlueSky Team Solutions

Helping teams understand the requirements of High Performing Teams

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”

Henry Ford

Our team working activities are engaging and fun and will assist your team in understanding how they interact with each other whilst working on tasks under pressure. Our programmes replicate the team behaviours in a safe environment where teams feel the freedom to think creatively, learn from the experience and most importantly are facilitated to capture the learning to be implemented back in the workplace.

  • Training Resource


Our programmes are designed to replicate the behaviours that individuals and teams demonstrate in the working environment. These programmes create a safe and relaxed environment enabling the learnings to be captured through a process of facilitated discussion.

As they work through the tasks, participants will find themselves behaving in certain way. Our facilitators will demonstrate the system of “Plan, Do, Review” to show individuals and teams how they can work more effectively in the future and embed these learnings back in the workplace.


These programmes carry many benefits which can be implemented in the workplace to dramatically improve the performance of leaders, individuals and teams.

Here are some common themes that we enable leaders and teams to commit to:

  • implement an annual flow of productive meetings
  • increase personal contact where possible rather than emails
  • consider the value of other people’s different personal styles
  • ivalue the personal diversity in the team to enhance productive team work
  • make time for planning
  • take time out to review progress
  • celebrate success
  • spend more time socially as a team

These actions will help to create a more highly performing team, collaborative in their approach, sharing knowledge and supporting each other in the workplace.



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