braveheart scottish incentive
braveheart scottish incentive


The aim of this exciting experience is to produce a clipped version of the famous feature-length film Braveheart, through filming a number of key scenes.

Each team has the responsibility of scripting, storyboarding, rehearsing and producing the finished article. The completed film clips and sound bites are synchronised and shown back to the teams later on at the evening’s Oscar’s ceremony.


BlueSky Braveheart is a great way of getting everyone together to have fun in a completely unique and out of the ordinary setting. Let their creativity shine through with BlueSky

“Diverse roles and essential input required to produce the team’s interpretation of the film” Encourages maximum interaction” -check” “Communication, creativity and a sense of humour are essential” “Group dynamics will be tested and relationships developed in a fun motivating experience”