christmas challenege
christmas challenege

Christmas Challenge

Team Building Treasure Hunt in a Location of your choice…

Our Christmas tablet-based challenge is available in any location of your choice. Your group will be split up into smaller teams and each will be given a tablet, as they explore the city they will be faced with various Christmas themed challenges, conundrums, fun trivia and puzzles.

This experience unites teams and promotes their creativity, collaboration and communication skills. The missions are so varied that everyone will have a chance to step up and take on a challenge.

At the end of the Christmas Challenge there will be a prize giving for the team with the most points.

Examples of challenges that you could face along the way:

  • Take a group selfie with someone dressed as Santa
  • Take a video of someone (not in your team) singing a Christmas Song
  • Do you know 12 days of Christmas song? Take a picture that describes each…

The day will end in a pub of your choice with the Christmas team chant and toast to the festive season.



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