going for gold
going for gold

Going For Gold

Great Britain is justly proud of its many Olympic heroes, past and present, and this is the chance for your organisation to shine too!

Who’ll be first to strike gold in this exciting team building challenge, designed to encourage teams to work side-by-side at the world’s greatest competitive event.

Your delegates will be split into various Olympic countries and welcomed into the Olympic arena during their very own (but slightly less extravagant!) Opening Ceremony, ready to compete in the ultimate showdown.

Individual teams will compete in various activities ranging from physical to creative challenges, all of which have been specially selected to utilise and enhance a range of skill sets.

The Olympic Games are famed for bringing together countries from across the world, and your organisation’s medal hopefuls will be united in their efforts during this fun event with a competitive edge. So fire up your dream team – we’ve already got the Olympic Torch burning!


Teams work side by side throughout the day”

“Utilize all members of the team””Use different strengths to go for gold!”

“Work together to complete various Olympic disciplines”

“A fun day with a competitive element” i

conclr=”#ffffff” iconbg=”#245da4″]Benefits”

“Improves communication”

“Builds team spirit from working together to succeed”

“Increases staff motivation after a fun day with colleagues”

wide range of challenges – not just the physical”



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