
Leading Change

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust the sails to reach your destination…” – John F Kennedy

Change for the better…

As many businesses experience, employees can react to change in all sort of ways, from embracing it to those who stubbornly resist change or actively reject it. It can be a very challenging process, but, when led well, can be delivered in a pain-free and positive way.

As leaders in today’s business world, programmes of change are something we are constantly encouraging our teams to embrace. Because of this, we have seen a shift from transactional leadership to transformational leadership where employees and employers are becoming more and more versatile, adapting to fresh ways of operating.

The change rollercoaster…

Leading change is very similar to being on a rollercoaster. Firstly, there’s the thrill and adrenaline rush of experimenting with something risky. Questioning, doubts and the fear of change undoubtedly seep in. It can feel like a leap into the unknown, followed by euphoria when changes come to fruition. If only change was as quick as a rollercoaster.

The key aim of this course is to enable you to Lead Change with confidence and BlueSky Experiences will help leaders to find ways to obtain ‘buy-in’ from their teams by explaining what drives change and what causes resistance.

On completion of this training you will be able to:

· Explain and strengthen the drivers of change

· Deal with the resistors of change in a positive manner

· Identify the emotions in the change process

· State the skills & behaviours required to Lead Change

· Describe how to gain support to help others embrace change

· Specify communication & motivation tactics at each stage of the change process, using the ADKAR model

· Recall how different personalities react to change

· Compile an Action Plan for Change in the workplace