
Manage Conflict

How To Manage Conflict At Work

“Where all think alike, no one thinks very much” – Walter Lippmann

By nature, the most successful businesses encounter diversity and forms of conflict regularly. As Mr Lippmann says, the world would be a pretty quiet uneventful, un-progressive place if everyone had the same views and thought the same way. Many of the best ideas in any workplace come from healthy debate, passion and dedication.

But, how do we manage teams or individuals who have conflicting and potentially damaging views?

Do you ignore it, bury your head and hope it goes away? Or, do you choose to deal with conflict in a calm, mature and professional manner and consider your options? At BlueSky Experiences, we will help you find the approach to managing these challenging scenarios.

Building confidence…

Our BlueSky Experience one-day workshop in Managing Conflict delivers practical results to enable you to resolve different conflicts that you experience in the workplace. During the workshop we will examine the causes of conflict, the pros & cons of alternative ways of dealing with conflict and the attitudes, behaviours and skills required to become an effective conflict manager.

With an aim to enable managers to confidently deal with conflict situations in the workplace, this course will equip you with the tools to fulfil one of the more difficult areas of leadership and management.

On completion of this workshop you will be able to:-

  • Practice conflict management techniques, based on real life scenarios
  • Identify your own preferred conflict management style
  • Explain different reactions to conflict
  • Identify sources of conflict in your workplace
  • Describe the importance of communication skills when dealing with conflict
  • Consider the benefits & consequences of a range of conflict techniques
  • Prepare an action plan for implementation back in the workplace

“Cooperation isn’t the absence of conflict but a means of managing conflict” – Deborah Tanner

“Prepare an action plan to implement back in the workplace”

“Learn how to deal with conflict in a calm and professional manner” “fa fa-check” “Will enable leaders and managers to resolve conflict with practical tools and techniques”