coaching skills
coaching skills

Coaching Skills

You can help to develop others…

As organisations evolve, so does the culture in the workplace and our attitudes to learning. We are much more attuned to seeking our opportunities to develop and learn from our peers. Every last employee, from senior managers to new recruits have a role to play in promoting a learning culture and Coaching Skills are being used more and as an effective way of helping people to learn.

Primarily used by team members with people responsibilities, Coaching requires a more inclusive approach to development, using a ‘push to pull’ leadership style using questions instead of commands to help develop people.

Practice makes perfect…

A much more interactive and collaborative way to help people to grow, coaches don’t necessarily have all the answers, but provide support in the learning process. In one day, our BlueSky Experiences Coaching Skills course will introduce you to the practical elements required to become a coach.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Practice Coaching in a variety of non-work and work related situations
  • Describe the skills required to be a skilful Coach
  • Explain what Coaching is and how it differs from Training and Mentoring
  • Identify when Coaching should be used
  • Explain Coaching method and what is required at each stage of the process
  • Prepare an Action Plan for practical application back in the workplace

“Probably my best quality as a coach is that I ask a lot of challenging questions and let the person come up with the answer.”

Phil Dixon