negotiation skills
negotiation skills

Negotiation Skills

Discover your already burgeoning inner-negotiator…

When considering the word ‘negotiation’, how many of you think of high-powered senior managers making difficult decisions or making large-scale purchases on a home or a car? These are, of course, great examples of when strong negotiating skills come to fore, but, nowadays, it is more than likely you and your colleagues find yourselves negotiating on a more regular basis.

Whether it’s negotiating prices, deadlines, quality standards, resources, or annual leave allocations, this skill is used, often without us even realising it. Here at BlueSky Experiences, we will help you to optimise your ability to manage mutually beneficial negotiations.

Find your own approach…

Our primary aim is to help you develop confidence when negotiating. We know that this is not easy, so our course takes you on a complete journey, from understanding what negotiating is to discovering your own negotiating style. This isn’t a ‘one size all’ negotiating course as we recognise that each individual’s approach will differ to suit their personality.

During the course, you will explore the complexities of negotiating, using experiential learning supported by personal reflection, appropriate theory and how to put into practice what you have learned in the workplace.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Recognise your existing skills as a negotiator through practice and feedback using a variety of negotiation situations
  • Identify your own negotiation style
  • Describe the four forces that strengthen a negotiating position
  • Explain the four phases of any negotiation
  • List the benefits of win-win negotiation
  • Define the term negotiation
  • Explore the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives to negotiation
  • List the characteristics of an effective negotiator
  • Prepare ideal, realistic and walkaway positions for both parties in a negotiation
  • Explain the three roles that are required in a negotiation
  • Plan how to handle difficult negotiation situations
  • Plan how to develop their negotiation skills for the future.

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” – JFK

Objectives” “Have an improved skill and plan to handle the difficult negotiations”

“Develop your confidence as a negotiator”

“Be able to prepare ideal realistic and walk away positions for both parties”

“Understand the benefit of the Win Win negotiation”